Our friendly customer service agents are here for you 7 days a week.

When you have a question you want an answer right away. That's why we provide five convenient ways to contact us. Dedicated agents will be standing by to answer your questions.

Email Us

Our Hours

West Coast (PST)
Sun9AM - 1PM
Mon8AM - 4PM
Tues8AM - 4PM
Wed8AM - 4PM
Thurs8AM - 4PM
Fri8AM - 4PM
Sat9AM - 1PM

Live Chat


Our live online help gives you quick access to answers you need. 

Chat Now

Call Us


Call to speak with one of our experienced support representatives. 
For All States: 
Direct: (480) 546-5775

Mail Us


Business Office:

Online Arizona Defensive Driving 
4954 S Newton Terrace 
Mesa, AZ 85212-8130

Fax Us


Fax us: (800) 670-0367

Our friendly customer service agents are here for you 7 days a week.

When you have a question you want an answer right away. That's why we provide five convenient ways to contact us. Dedicated agents will be standing by to answer your questions.


Our Hours    
West Coast (PST)

Sunday9AM - 12PM
Monday8AM - 4PM
Tuesday8AM - 4PM
Wednesday8AM - 4PM
Thursday8AM - 4PM
Friday8AM - 4PM
Saturday9AM - 12PM

Email Us


Live Chat

Our live online help gives you quick access to answers you need.

Call Us

Call to speak with one of our experienced support              

For All States:           
Direct: (480) 546-5775

Mail Us

Business Office:               
Online Arizona Defensive Driving               
4954 S Newton Terrace               
Mesa, AZ 85212-8130

Fax Us

(800) 670-0367